Here is a read along book and record from 1984. The Muppets Take Manhattan. I can't tell if it's a voice actor doing all the voices, or the real people. I go back and forth.
Hey! I know this is an ancient post, but just to confirm, it is the real voices... just giving the most incredibly stilted line readings. I notice that as a budgetary measure, perhaps, or just to speed up the story, outside of a few crowd shouts (mostly by Muppeteer Jerry Nelson), no non-Muppet character has any dialogue, so they didn't have to either get the real actors or (like the Disney records of things like "Gremlins") do voice matches.
Hey! I know this is an ancient post, but just to confirm, it is the real voices... just giving the most incredibly stilted line readings. I notice that as a budgetary measure, perhaps, or just to speed up the story, outside of a few crowd shouts (mostly by Muppeteer Jerry Nelson), no non-Muppet character has any dialogue, so they didn't have to either get the real actors or (like the Disney records of things like "Gremlins") do voice matches.