Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Reposting Superhero Albums

Next I'll get the superhero albums back up.

Frank Gorshin :: The Riddler, Scream Along With Marvel, Power Records :: The Amazing Spider-Man And Friends, Power Records :: The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 2, The Electric Company :: Spidey Super Stories, Power Records :: The Flash & Aquaman, Power Records :: Batman, Power Records :: Batman & Robin.


  1. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Holy Fly Paper Batman.....

    Great posts, as always.
    Looking forward to more cool retro childhood memories :)


  2. Anonymous9:26 PM

    anyone have a copy of "Phantom of the organ/vampyre at the harpsichord" to share?

  3. That's cool, coincidentally, I have an all superhero vinyl themed episode of my podcast Generation Exploitation going up tomorrow - different things than what you have posted here (tho I am very jealous of what you have). Batman Original Television Soundtrack, Songs of the Justice League, song about Plastic Man, Metamorpho, and a Columbia 45 of the orinal It's Superman by The Ned Odum Boys from the Broadway Superman musical.

  4. Really great stuff. Thanks for these.

  5. Anonymous12:13 PM


  6. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Here's another request...

    If you have the Superman Power Records, could you please get them up?
    I know you got alot of work to do with the reupload of the files, but maybe there's a chance for the far future?

    Herr Anonymous

  7. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Wow, what a great site! I can't get enough of this stuff.

    For the person who requested the Superman Power Records, I actually have one I bought at some secondhad store in the sticks a few years ago, but unfortunately I don't have a turntable I can hook up to the computer. Maybe I'll pick one up at the Goodwill and rip a copy...
