Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas Past

This commercial was on all the time when I was a kid. Funny how time can turn something that drove you crazy into something that makes you feel good.


  1. This version doesn't have the racially cringeworthy scene of two young African-American boys pulling the mike back and forth from each other as they argue:

    "It's COOL! It's HOT! It's COOL! It's HOT!"

    ...although the shuffling freakazoid and the trashy clod in the car with the huge White-fro pretty much make up for it.

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    as soon as the video started, my husband said (from across the room), "Hey good-lookin', I'll be back to pick ya up later!"


  3. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Forever embedded in my mind.

  4. What girl wouldn't be impressed by "Hey, good lookin'! We'll be back to pick you up later!", especially when it's announced on a Mr. Microphone!

  5. That didn't make me feel good at all.

  6. Weird, the still image in the frame before you hit play looks like a shot from the Zapruder film.
