Dean, Elvis and Cash. These are my three favorites. Lucky for us, almost everything they have recorded has been released on cd which means you won't see much on this site. I try to post things you can't find. Today we have Dean's last studio album and it was put out by Warner Brothers. Every other album of his was on either Reprise or Capitol so this one is kind of orphaned and never put out on cd. I like it a lot. Dean scored a minor hit with
Since I've Met You Baby and made his only music video for it.
Hey pallie, I am a lover of everything Dino, and my fav of favs Dinosong is "Since I Met You Baby," and viewin' of the Dinovid is almost a Dinodaily Dinorequirement for this Dinoholic. So thank you, thank you so Dinomuch for this great Dinoblog. I and a handful of other Dinoaddicts have a little Dinodialogue group over at Yahoo called ilovedinomartin. If you are ever interested in joinin' in our Dinodiscussions, please let me know. Just go to yahoo groups and type in ilovedinomartin to find our little Dinopad. Again, man, thanks for makin' my Dinoday with this Dinoblog. Long live our Master of Hip, our King of Cool, the one, the only DINO!!!!! Dinodevotedly, Dino Martin Peters
That really late-period Dean is so good. I really love the "Once In A While" album and am glad to finally hear this one.
Thanks for the checkably cool wax!
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