Here we go. The mere fact that you are reading this means you are a fan of odd music, and NOTHING is odder than this. It's three songs from Mrs. Miller's Greatest Hits. Picture your grandma singing pop hits of the 60's. I want to know if this was ever legitimate or has it always been a joke. Get ready to be amazed as Elva Miller sings and whistles her way into your heart.
God I love Ms. Miller...
There isn't a day that goes by that someone doesn't call in to request Ms. Miller. Her, "pot" album is hilarious as well...
She & Shooby Taylor are outsider classics on my show.
And eternal thanks to you fine sir for this great site that continually makes my day (and playlist).
Great posts! My only complaint is you only post selected tracks. I'd love to have the complete albums of many of the artists you've featured.
Have you thought of doing this?
My father has this one TOO!
Oh I'd totally forgotten about this CLASSIC! :D
Hi man!!
This woman´s really great!!!
She remind me a bit this other one, Florence Foster Jenkins, you can hear her at http://www.kovacich.com.ar/grabaciones/solistas/FFJenkins.mp3
Oh, the third link doesn´t go!!! And I want to hear more!!!
Regrets from Spain and thanks for discover us so many musical jewels. And sorry for my bad english.
Third like has been fixed. Thanks for the comments.
Mrs. Miller put out three LPs on Capitol, and about 20 of those tracks are on the Ultra-Lounge Wild, Cool & Swingin Mrs. Miller CD (possibly out of print). She also released a fourth (psychedelic) LP on a smaller indy label. The producers did some mean tricks to throw her off (changing keys, changing tempos) and then chose to release the worst tracks on the album. Fortunately, Mrs. Miller was a gracious individual who was able to laugh along with the whole thing, even though a lot of people were laughing at her. And, she went to Vietnam to entertain the troops, so my hat's off to a true American original.
I just learned about Mrs. Miller about 4 or 5 months ago. I got a copy of her Ultra-Lounge Wild, Cool & Swingin Mrs. Miller CD. I'll be posting it eventually on my web site. I think her music was seen as a joke, but she recorded them with the intention that she thought she was really a good singer. I've read she was even on Ed Sullivan once.
I've recently become a "fan" of Mrs.Miller. Any chance you'll post the entire album? I must hear more!
Esther at Stax o' Wax
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