Posted here is a GREAT record from my main man. It's Jerry Lewis Sings Big Songs For Little People. I expected a real quirky and silly record here and was pleasantly surprised by a loving and heartfelt lp. This is really good so give it a listen even if Jerry drives you crazy. Having small children in the home makes this even more special to me.

Thanks a ton for Over The Rainbow. Are you going to be posting any more tracks from this LP?
BTW, I'm not the one who stuffed your ballot box. I don't have time on my hands for that kind of nonsense. I voted once only.
Thanks so much for this album. I love any music by Jerry Lewis as he has a great singing voice.
Finally figured out how to download the album.
Thanks again!
How DOES someone download that whole LP ZIP file? Please post instructions. All I get is pictures and links to relationship sites.
Wonderful. Excellent taste my friend! Vince
I can't understand why some people have to be so hypercritical. So what if there's a tiny little glitch 9 seconds into the first track?
Why didn't you ask for your money back, Sir?
Or perhaps try to find a better copy of this LP yourself?
Dear Mr Anonymous,
Perhaps if you didn't hide who you actually are you would be told the answer to your crazy questions!
What have you posted recently??
Dear Check The Cool Wax,
Mr Anonymous is right, so sorry for being so hypercritical about the small jump on track 1.
Still no answers. Sadness.
When you see the download page look for a countdown at the bottom, wait till it reaches zero, then click the download link.
Thanks Old Vinyl.
Can anyone post a copy of this LP for me on Rapidshare, or ANY other site???
I registered, tried using internet explorer, etc etc and it doesn't work for me.
Would love to give it a twirl, but I need some help.
How do you get the download to go... I even signed up on the website that is hosting the file and I can't find where to download it at.
Thanks for all the great music, just wish I could figure out how to get the newer ones to work! :)
XbUMsi Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
hp3hg5 Wonderful blog.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Wonderful blog.
Hello all!
Nice Article.
Good job!
Hello all!
1ifXhZ Good job!
I would love to download the Big Songs album, but no matter what I try it doesn't work. The page says "file not found", does that mean it's been removed?
I'm dying to have this Jerry album...
so if anybody can help me.
Thank you very much for the other soundtracks! You are very nice to share them with us!
I'm a huge Jerry Lewis fan. Is there any possible way to still get a download of this album? I'd LOVE it. Thanks for all the great albums you've posted. Maven
Please reup!!!!
I can't believe I'm begging for this (it goes against my ethics!) but could you please re-upload this?
Reading the precious album notes has made me even more anxious to hear this (I'm sure) lovely album of Jerry's.
I'm sorry to be just another person to ask, but I'd love to know how to download this! It just goes to a thing about Go Daddy..Help is really appreciated!
can you please repost this album. i have been searching for it everywhere! however the download link does not work :(
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