Here is a Hanna-Barbera record of Jonny Quest from 1965. Jonny Quest is one of my favorite cartoons from my childhood. I love the art, the sound effects, the stories were serious... It just wasn't like any other cartoons for me. This record has all of the original voice actors (Tim Matheson, John Stephenson Michael Road) and really captures the spirit of the cartoon.

I once attended a Hollywood test preview that had Johnny Quest as its main show.
I find it interesting to see how the sanitize(?) violence of JQ pales in comparison to today's Venture Brothers Quest homage.
Thanks for the post.
Thanks for sharing this. I have a question for you though. Did you take a picture of the cover or did you scan it in? If you scanned it, what program did you use to do it? I just can't get mine to come out right. Thanks!
Too bad the music on the record wasn't reused in another HB action show
Answering "Anonymous"... Hoyt Curtin's music cues for "Jonny Quest" were recycled quite often into other adventure shows, particularly some of the 60's shows that had primarily been scored by the man who briefly replaced Curtin as H-B's music director, Ted Nichols. A lot of the "Jonny Quest" stuff showed up, for example, on "Space Ghost". But Nichols' adventure cues were so compatible with Curtin's, few noticed the difference.
I haven't heard the album, but wouldn't DON MESSICK have been the voice of "Dr. Benton Quest" instead of John Stephenson? I know John was Jonny's father in the first handful of 1964 episodes before Messick replaced him...
The download links don't work....PLEASE repost these again. This was a real find for a JQ fan like myself who grew up watching the broadcasts when they were originally shown.
This is very interesting site... » » »
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