Let's keep this Batman thing going. I'm on a roll. Here are The Dynamic Batmen with quit possible the most
bizarre album cover here. What does it all mean? Is is some kind of drug trip? I had previously posted
just the Batman Theme, but now I'll share the entire album.
Panda Records? Maybe it's a cheap Chinese knock-off?
Holy Macaroni! What a cover! I won't bother downloading the album - it can't beat the cover!
totally excellent ;)
Just picked this up at my local thrift store. Yes the artwork is quite nice-very 60s. Sort of a mix between Disney and Kelly Mouse-but that Panda label??
The 1966 date puts it right at the beginning.
But lets talk about the music-who are these guys really. The organ riffs are tight. I'm sure there were many disappointed kids when they realized it was a jazz album. Take out the bizarre noises and most pass as hip Jazz. Even "POW" with its out of time "pows," "thuds," etc. is funky. It almost sounds like the "extras" were dubbed over an existing cut. I've seen George Buckett listed on some other sites, but not with a picture.
wow. that's amazing.
We had this album when I was a kid and remember being fascinated with the cover art as well as the music. I used to torture my little sister by playing The Joker Laughs because it scared her and I was a rotten kid. ;) Ours got ruined when the basement flooded years ago, thank you so much for posting it and the zip file!
I still have this, it's worth at least one listen, that is if you appreciate bad music like I do ("POW" is great for parties, just put it on and a few seconds into the song "Bam!" down goes the nearest attendee--the dog, Aunt Fran, etc.,). Its vinyl is that really thick kind, great for slicing up pizzas and ice--and it still plays!
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