Adventures In Sound And Space is another kids record about space but aimed at kids a little older than the last record I posted here, just sound effects and dialog. Pretty good. Lots of samples if you are into that.
I just found this record 6 months ago at a record show....What a great record...A "Must Have" for all Space-Age-Pop fans.....Thanks for sharing Coolwax
I love the art on this one.
Hello, Perdona que no te escriba en ingles .Pero tengo que felicitarte por tus discos y decirte que estoy cogiendo los discos de Star Wars y los estoy poniendo en esta pagina de internet: La Leyenda de Star Wars.Para que la gente aficionada a estos films lo puedan oir.
Los discos estan en : El baul de la música desconocida de Star Wars.
Espero respuesta.
Loose translation:
"Hello. Excuse me but I cannot write in English. I have enjoyed your discs and I'm writing to say that I'm looking for discs of Star Wars and putting them on the web page "The Legend of Star Wars" so people that like the films can hear them.
The discs are: The Chest of the Unknown Music of Star Wars
I await your response."
Are you looking for permission to post the Star Wars records that I have ripped in here? No problem. I'd just ask that you provide a link back to CheckTheCoolWax.com and tell everyone where you got them. I look forward to seeing what you find for your site.
Thanks for the translation s4xton!
los discos estan en la seccion de los comics de star wars en español
y dentro de esta seccion estan en:
The Chest of the Unknown Music of Star Wars.
un saludo de loscar_sith.
Cuando estes es la seccion deja un comentario
Looking at the back of the album art, it looks like there is a missing clip - The Canals of Mars or something like that. Can you post the other file?
This the entire record. The names of the songs didn't exactly match the back of the record sleeve.
Thank you so much!
I will replace the inferior copy that I have! This album is among the finest older SF audio dramas ever produced. It's a singular gem worthy to stand beside the great UK radio serial, "Journey into Space".
Freakin' Great! I'm an Old Time Radio fan, even tho I'm not that durn old - no nostalgia here, just great respect for a disappearing but thoroughly entertaining artform. I THOUGHT I recognized a specific voice on this, it was BOB HASTINGS: he's probably most well-known from his TV role on "McHale's Navy". He still does voiceover work (Commisioner Gordon on the Batman cartoons) and performs at Old Time Radio conventions through the year. I've performed with him at a few radio recreations - he's funny, intelligent, tons of great reminiscences of radio and tv...a really great guy. This is a GREAT record (why, I think that I'll make up a nice copy on cd and give it to ol' Bob, see if he recalls making it!). A GREAT BLOG! Keep up the superb work...we appreciate it. THANKS SO MUCH!
I found a copy of Adventures In Sound And Space but it was cracked. Your download of the tracks doesn't work. Is there some other way I can get a copy or listen?
I found a copy of Adventures In Sound And Space but it was cracked. Your download of the tracks doesn't work. Is there some other way I can get a copy or listen?
Very nice!
Thanks for re-posting it
Good afternoon, with megaupload gone I am wondering if you might still have a copy of this you can post somewhere else as I'd like to give it a listen. Cheers and thanks!
Sound clips used in Verbrilli Sounds' "Descender" song.
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