Here is a great children's record. It's Jerry Lewis telling the story of Cinderfella. Basically the story of Cinderella but with Jerry in the lead named "Fella." This story is just like the Jerry Lewis movie of the same name, but has been shortened. What is really cool is that it's not just clips from the movie, it has been completely re-recorded (with new songs) to fit on to two sides of a record - approximately 22 minutes. It's great. The album cover has a gate fold with a game inside. It also had a read-along book that is missing in my copy. A baton was also included so you can conduct the orchestra.
After posting this Cinderfella record, it got me thinking. Most people will think I'm a glutton for punishment for buying this
10 DVD set, but I'm a Jerry Lewis fan. I said it. I am. My brother Bill and I have always watched Jerry Lewis and/or Dean Martin movies as long as I can remember. Not all of these movies are home runs. I'll be the first to say that. But most are great.
The Nutty Professor is one of Jerry's best. These are from long before Eddie Murphy made his two incredibly un-funny movies of the same name. Jerry Lewis wrote and directed himself in this hip sixties romp. It also stars a really hot Stella Stevens. The premises is about the same, except Jerry is just a science nerd that turns ultra cool and not a fat guy that turns good looking like Eddie's character.
Cinderfella is another great one. Basically the story you heard above on the record but longer. You can find laughs in all of them. It also has one Martin and Lewis movie called the Stooge. Not their best but fun to watch. I'd say get this set if you are a Jerry Lewis fan. If you are not, you just may hang yourself half way through these movies... Jerry can get a little (a lot maybe) obnoxious. If you just want to check out one or two movies, pick up The Nutty Professor or Cinderfella by themselves because you can buy them as single movies for around ten bucks. I'm still waiting for The Geisha Boy to come out on DVD, it's my favorite.