Fulfilling a request for repost. This was probably the first record that I listened to over and over as a kid so I was pretty floored to come across it in a clearance bin at a thrift store. Listening to it now I really don't hear anything that would make me want to listen to it again, but it did bring me back... Any one else remember this one? It's the story of a kid falling into a well in China and his name was too long for his brother to say when he was out of breath after running for help.
Showin' my age here, but I recall SHARI LEWIS and LAMBCHOP doin' this one just fine.
As a lad I had a thing for Shari and also Hayley Mills...
Carry one.
Wow, I thought this was an all but forgotten story. We used to see who could say his name fastest. Thanks
I didn't know there was a record of this. I LOVE this book. I read it to my girls often.
Don't know this one, but do you know of a movie with a similar name with a mouse driving a motorcycle across the country?
Ron Nasty.
Oh man! I am always saying "Tiki Tiki Tembo No Sa Rembo Chari Barri Ruchi Pip Peri Pembo has fallen into the well" and they look at me like I'm mad, as well they might. I never thought i'd see this one again. Can't wait to play it for my niece & Nephew.
I also remember this story (and remember having it on record too). Heck, my aunts still remember the name from having to read it to me so many times. We were at a family gathering, and one of them started telling the story, and between the three of them, they were able to re-tell the whole story -- 30 years later!
One of my all-time favorite books from grade school in the early '70s. Thanks for the fun memory!
I didn't realize there was a record of this either. In fact I tought I was the only one who ever read the book - everyone else looked at me and asked, "Riki Tiki Tavi?" Thanks for the flashback.
Man, I remember this from when I was 5 or six back in 1963. This is a later recording ... I remembered the name but I remembered it wrong all these years. Thanks!
Any chance of a re-up please? My record is probably still at my parents' house, but I won't get there for a few months.
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